
Kate Spade-Inspired Gold Zig Zag Pitcher

A couple of weeks ago, I was catching up on some blog posts from Rain on A Tin Roof, and she mentioned that she and four other bloggers were hosting a summer Style Soiree series where you could take on a project inspired by a style icon. This month's is one of my absolute favorites: Kate Spade. I couldn't wait to do a little project inspired by her classic, preppy style. So I brainstormed, searched her website (dangerous, y'all), and was inspired by the signature zig zag pattern from her new Saturday collection. I especially loved this journal:

So I decided take the pattern and sketch it onto a glass beaker pitcher I picked up at at thrift store a month or so ago. Here's how it came out:

Simply Dream & Create

I love the gold, but wish the zig zags came out a little more opaque and defined. I used a metallic sharpie for this project, but in the future, I think I'd try some metallic paint for a more crisp look. Oh well! You live and you learn. Not all projects come out exactly like you picture :).

In case this idea strikes your fancy, and you'd like to make something similar yourself, here's how I did it...

Grab a glass beaker vase (like this one from CB2 like I mentioned last week in my window shopping post).

Decide where you want to start your zig zag pattern. Place a strip of painter's tape around the pitcher to mark off your starting point.

Take short strips of painter's tape and form random zig zag patterns all over the bottom third of the glass (below the original strip of tape). This will be your guide for drawing the lines.

Start drawing your zig zags between the painter's tape. Use the Kate Spade journal as your guide.

Once you're done with those zig zags, peel off the tape and fill in the remaining areas with more zig zags until the area is full. You're done!

The great part about this is that there's no wrong way to draw a zig zag - am I right? You really can't mess it up. Just try and make sure your lines are straight (that's why I used all that painter's tape), and you're good to go!

I'm pretty excited about this series. Next up is Lily Pulitzer - another fave! I hope you'll check out a few of the Kate Spade-inspired projects made by the hosts and participants in this series:

Carmel @ Our Fifth House

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


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     Simply Dream & Create   Featured At Serenity Now

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  1. I agree that going to her website is dangerous! I love the zig zags and even like that they are subtle- it is just the added touch of style for any table! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the Lilly-pa-looza!

  2. OH yeah, that is awesome, love the geometrics. Are "geos" the thing now? It's very striking, depending on the color combos is very eye catching, fairly easy to accomplish. The chevron pattern is so popular also is why I asked.
    You must have lots of patience, very good eyes and steady hands. Think I'll just admire from afar and let it go at that. I've heard of Kate Spade but never really knew what she does. Well that's an old lady for ya. Sure do admire all the great projects you blogger gals have made. Will look forward to what comes next. Happy Days

    1. Thanks! It did take a bit of patience, but was a fun little craft. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. CHANEY!!! I LOVE this!!! You are so creative! It turned out great! My husband saw this and said "Wow, that's really cool!" Love, love, love it! Pinning! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

    1. Thanks so much, Jenna! That's so kind of you to say :). Have a great day and thanks for hosting the soiree. It was such a great idea!

  4. This looks great! I'm definitely loving the Kate Spade designs myself. The geometric patterns are awesome! I'm hosting a link party on my blog and I'd love for you to join!
    Simply Dream & Create

  5. Loved this! I featured it on my blog today: http://www.rainonatinroof.com/2013/05/13-kate-spade-inspired-projects.html

    1. Thanks so much, Jenna! Heading over there now to see! Can't wait for the next soiree :).

  6. I love this! It looks so beautiful! Thank you for joining my link party, I'm featuring this today!
    Simply Dream & Create

  7. Beautiful! I love the zig zags. Thanks for linking this up to Ditto DIY!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  8. This is a super cute idea! I am loving the design!

  9. I love this - I even love how the gold is a bit transparent! Great idea!

  10. I love this - even how the gold is a bit transparent! Make it look a little bit vintage :) Thanks for linking it up with us at Ditto DIY!

    1. Thanks Ruth! I think the transparent gold is growing on me :). Thanks for your kind words! Loving the Ditto DIY series!

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