
Family {31 Days: Day 27}

There's nothing like a series on loving what you have to remind you of family - I couldn't resist a post with a couple of photos! And if I can brag a little, I must say I've got some of the best. There's the family I was born into (plus my sister-in-law on the end there)...

...and then the one I married into...

(P.S. I can't believe these wedding pictures are now three and a half years old! Time flies...)

I'm grateful for each one of them and the relationships we have with one another. They aren't just people I'm related to by blood or marriage, they're my friends and I love spending time with them. Not to get too cheesy, but I seriously cannot wait to see what God has in store for each of their lives. There are quite a few exciting changes going on for several of them - lots to look forward to in the coming year! I'm pumped about getting to spend time with both of these families over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hooray!

Read the series from the beginning...

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